Thursday, July 29, 2010

Entry Since Forever

Wow, it really has been a while since I've come on here to update. It's been a busy summer, and it's flying by so fast! For those of you who didn't know already, I've been interning at U2R1 Media. It's been an awesome experience so far. Lots of pink: by far the koolest office I've seen to date, with the koolest people working here by far.

So what have I been up to lately? Sadly to say, besides the internship, not much. Although, I have started to use twitter again, and facebook a bit more often than I dare admit. It has been made a lot easier and more convenient to post since I've installed TweetDeck, so posts are coming along more often than before.

Speaking of technology. Everything of mine seems to be falling apart lately! My laptop now has a weird watermark on the screen, and I'm thinking because of this, a gradient has been created on my screen. It hurts my eyes looking at it. Other than that, my Blackberry has decided it is a great idea to fall apart on me at the same time! It now randomly shuts down, as well as not charge properly. I'm guessing it's the battery, plus my charger getting old. Therefore, not charging or retaining charge properly. Good times. So how I'm fixing these two problems is:
  1. Buying a new iMac to replace, or so at least part of the time I can work on it instead of my 15" Macbook (which is now approximately 3 years old almost!) But since another iMac is due to come out soon, I'm debating whether to get another one now, or wait. 
  2. As for the phone problems, I'm planning on caving in, and getting an iPhone. However, I do like Androids from the few times I've touched them. And I say touched, because I didn't really spend a lot of time with it, so I'm still debating. However, I do like the the UI of the one Android phone I did play with: HTC Desire. 

I don't know, for those people that do read this, tell me what you think! I'm tied, and basically I just want anything with a battery that comes out!
Well that's it for this ranting post, tata for now!

 Disclaimer: I've now been notified that my Macbook is not even 15 inch, but 13.3 inches. FML

Saturday, July 3, 2010


One continuous nightmare. One unending day.

How I Spent My Night so Far

So, came back from the worst thing ever.
Made myself coffee, when we all know I don't drink coffee anymore.
The same thing happened when I said I wouldn't drink anymore. That's when the Sangria from the fridge started to call out to me. It sounded sad. I thought I'd keep it company.
Then came back to finish watching Buffy. Watched 6 episodes so far tonight.
Then decided it was a bit too much so continued to watch Rules of Engagement.
So now I'm sitting here, not sleeping. Because of what? Because I'm as stubborn as hell.

I'm upset for reasons I rather not say just so I sound less like a spoiled brat, a bitch, or something worse anyone can think of after reading this post if I did decide to write all the details of my night/day down.

Gone are the days when I throw things around. I'm just tired. Just really really tired. That's what they mean when they say someone wants to drown themselves in something. I just haven't decided what that something is yet. These are the days when even seeing people on facebook who've let themselves go, can't make you feel better, but inspires you to be like them. Half of life is spent waiting and wondering. Nothing to do, or to be done but that. Makes me want to kick someone's ass. Anyways, you know those days when you think to yourself: If I knew this was what this day's going to turn out like, I wouldn't wake up and just sleep it away? Well I'm starting to not remember a day that isn't like that anymore. It's like how little kids start out by drawing with a pencil on a white piece of paper. Mostly everything is white except for those few marks that ruin the white. Well as time goes on, we decide to make our life more interesting. That is when we draw white figures on a black piece of paper. You no longer have little bad things happen to you, but you can step back and say at least most of the paper's still white. You end up with little tidbits of happiness that happens to you, but unless you have them, it's just all black. I'm rambling. It made more sense in my head.


Friday, July 2, 2010


That's how I feel.

Now leave me alone.