Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Backup Plan

So I was watching the Backup Plan just now, and I have got to say, the opening credits were incredible! It is totally cute. Usually I'm one of those people that just skips over it, or falls asleep during that part, fiddle with their popcorn, but this honestly is awesome!

Did I mention I am a huge fan of Jennifer Lopez? I am going to buy this movie when it comes out on DVD for sure!

Tying out Widgets

I know I should be studying, but I just have to try out this new widget. I just got the tumblr one yesterday, but that was a stupid endeavor since my main blog is on blogger! Although, I do have to say I am tempted by the convenience that it is connected to both my facebook and twitter account, and teh themes are a tad more appealing. However, Ad Sense sorta weighs out those features, so I am hereby still sticking to Blogger until that factor changes somehow, but I don't think that will be the case anytime soon. Anyways, back to my studying (it is a complete pain in the butt). Tata for now! 

Adventures with the Durian Fruit

It always amused me, the variety of products Asian supermarkets always have to offer. That particular day however, what caught my eye was a Durian. Sometimes, I wonder if Durian is just an Asian think, but after too many hours of watching Hong Kong television drama, I decided that I'll just categorize it as such in my head. I somehow convinced my dad to pick one out. He then taught me how to pick a Durian.

First of all, look at the shape of the fruit. If it is completely round, choose another one, as the "lumpy" ones, or as he says Chinese people called it, "monkey head" shaped ones had more meat. And obviously, decide how much you would like to consume. It is advised to choose a smaller one for first time tasters, as the taste of the fruit does not appeal to everyone.

Next, look at the spikes of the fruit. The longer they are, the more moist the Durian is going to be, and vice versa.

Finally,  (I cannot believe I asked this question last) is: "How do you know when the fruit is ripe?" The answer is to look at its colouring. Durians are know to turn yellow when they are ripe.

The one we bought that day was a frozen one, to prevent the fruit from being over-ripe and spoiled during its transportation. Many would either be drawn to this very section of the supermarket having smelled the Durian, or be repelled.

The opening process:
I was told that once the Durian is ripe, there is soft spot at the center bottom of the fruit. You are then able, from this point, the puncture a hole to its tough exterior and it will just pop open. However, when we bought the fruit, it was frozen, and it did no such thing. This caused me quite a bit of anxiety, as I was desperately anticipating the consumption of the fruit. 

However, later on that night, we did manage to thaw it, and open that sucker up. It was a tasty mean indeed.

This is my dad opening the fruit up while I waited patiently.

This is how it looks like opened.


If anyone sees this message, it means the email to blogger is a success! :) so let's see...

Got a phone? Get Hotmail & Messenger for mobile!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bunny Stuck in the Hole.

Today, I thought Bean would be stuck forever. For some really odd reason, it crawled into a 1.5 inch crack, around the corner and behind a huge unmovable cupboard at our house. Turns out, it was easier to get into a mess than out of it. So after  finding its new hiding place quite dusty, Bean found out that he couldn't go back around the bend to come out. After hearing the scratching, and me scratching my head as to the location of Bean, I found him stuck behind the cupboard. We tried pulling him out, but there was no way he could be pulled through the corner without seriously hurting him. So we had to take apart the insides of the cupboard drawers, and try to pull him through. He was stuck between the wires and cables. After crying (on my part) and struggling (again on my part) Bean was finally rescued. I thought he would be broken for sure. But once we rescued him, he just laid there, and I swear, was wagging his tail. My first instinct was to shove him back there behind the cupboard. He is one lazy, trouble-maker.

That was enough exercise for today.

Long Awaited Photos

I apologize for the time it took to upload these pictures from the meal. The holidays, despite how it hasn't officially started since I still have the History of Costume Exam to worry about, has driven me bonkers. I no longer can distinguish the day of the week, and sometimes not even the time of day. So here are the photos from the dinner:

Here is the dinner, starting at the top and going clockwise: Honey Garlic Chicken Wings, Mashed Potatoes made with Garlic Butter, Cream of Mushroom Cauliflower with Cheese, and Ribs. Oh, and the bottle is Alize's Passion Mango.

Here is how it looks like with the new phone app that baby got. Um, he can comment as to what the phone app is called and the lens used. LOL. Sorry for that.

Here I am presenting the bottle in all its glory. As well, the phone app is used with a different lens. I prefer this one, mostly because of the cooler overtone. I don't know, what do you think?

Same app used, different pose. Ready to get the drinkin' on!

The lens used is the same as the orange tinted photo on top. Looks like someone couldn't wait to get a drink and hogged the whole bottle.

Unfortunately for me, I have the genes that contributes to the "Asian Glow." This is how I looked like near the end of the meal.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Okay, so this news actually deserves an oh em gee!
Turns out some drunk guy from Apple "misplaced" the next generation of iPhone while at a bar drinking!
Get informed here

Surprisingly, I actually like the new design! I hope Apple sticks with it! 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Quick Summary

So today was an awesome day.
Made dinner for baby, with ribs (did not turn out as good as I hoped), honey garlic wings, mashed potatoes with garlic butter, and cauliflower in a cream of mushroom and cheese sauce.
Was really full and statisfied.
Why these fragmented sentences? Well, because we tried the Passion and Mango Alize.
It was awesome, but it does not result in a good blog entry, plus my Mac is malfunctioning again.
You know what that meannnss! Time for a new Mac. Now I just have to wait for the new one to come out, then I'm all set. Might  well get the new "iPhone 4G" or what they sometimes call the "iPhone HD" LOL! Right now I'm plenty interested in what Apple comes up with, after the whole iPad mishap
Currently my favorite rumored design is this one:
Click the image above for more views.
So after a great ordeal of eating and drink.. and lots of laughing, we decided it was a good idea to play Call of Duty. It was fun, and interesting. Haha. All I got from those games were that the dogs were a real pain in the butt!

Pictures of the actual evening will be posted up here when baby has time to upload them. They were taken on his phone using this new camera app. It is absolutely amazing!

Also, if anyone, and I do mean anyone, knows how to fix this problem with my Macbook, it is much appreciated. The problem is, I would type a bit then it backtracks by itself. So I would end up typing words in the middle of words which turns out to be jibberish. It is really bothering me, especially when I'm somewhat still buzzed and have to update my blog. It would sometimes highlight all the text somehow by itself as well. Someone help me!!!

So that is all the goodness I can afford for tonight. I'll update more when I'm more clear headed. And that being said, please forgive me for all my errors like spelling mistakes or grammar, or just pure nonsense for tonight. I promise you a better entry.

Oh, and more to come, more reviews on Playstation 3 games! Keep checking back and I'll keep you posted! Good night y'all!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Day of Gaming.

Today, I woke up later than usual: after 12pm. It felt awfully late in my opinion, and I'm sort've not proud of waking up that late. However, when I woke up, it dawned on me that I had absolutely nothing planned for that day. So I called to check up on baby to see how he was doing, and then just laid there in bed.

So I decided to eat brunch, composed of miso soup and udon. Then I needed to have something else to nibble on so I made so spicy fries from McCain. Yummmm!
So after brunch, I decided to take baby's advice and play more on the PS3. I was exploring a bit, and downloaded a bunch of free stuff. Who can reject free stuff right? I finally tried connecting the PSP via the usb cable. Connected it and everything, so I thought, might as well "juice up" the PSP a bit hahaha I wanted to use a matching theme for both the psp and the ps3 =D I wanted to surprise sommmeeonnne heehehehehe. I feel really silly now, but here is a picture of the current psp theme. I hope you love it baby! LOL!

 The awesome Loco Roco2 theme on the psp!

I played a bunch of games today, some of which includes:

Fairytale Wars: Surprisingly bloody! The graphics are really cute, and is sooo deceiving as to what the game is before you actually play it. One would think it is a kiddy game, with cute characters running around. In fact, it is the bloodiest demo I downloaded today. The demo only comes in one level called "The White Room," which describes the level perfectly. It is all white, which further emphasizes the bloodiness of the overall game. Your mission is within the allotted time, kill as many cute creatures with deadly weapons coming your way. The chainsaw so far is my favorite weapon. This is a great stress and time killing game.
 Quite bloody no? Although the blood does look an awful lot like plasticine ketchup

The Fat Princess: Another cutesy-game I downloaded today. This reminded me of an old-school game on the Playstation called team buddies. It's like capture the flag, except, the flag is replaced by a princess, in whom you can feed cake to until she becomes extremely fat. That way, it takes more people to carry her out of your castle's dungeon. You can upgrade and obtain different occupations such as archers, magicians, these people with axes, as well as medics (in medival terms). It is quite an amusing game. Online play is rather amusing as well, and is the more favored mode to the play in, as not only is it multiplayer friendly, but interactive with those whom are addicted to the game as well. The line that amused me the most when I was prompted to change teams, suggesting that it is possible if the team sucked. Another amazing feature is the ability to vote during the intermission between games, allowing players to chose which map they would rather play on for the next round. This is a recommended game for those casual gamers out there who wants to interact with other players online and just have a good time. 
The startoff came map/ interface.
An overfed princess in all her glory.

Dirt 2: A rally race game that consists of: you know it, dirt. A dirty game with tons of driving and customization. An actual racing game that I fell in love with, despite the limited qualities of it being a demo. The views from first person (both views of just the road, as well as a bonus view of your dashboard with a customizable hula girl), to third person (seeing the wreckage your car has turned into), is truly amazing I find. The controls were not what I expected however, and took a while to figure out, and despite that, I still constantly accidentally pressed  the instant reply button, which did not amuse me because it reminded me of my constant failure to turn the curves perfectly. But I guess to blame, was my bad controlling of the car, by the end of two laps, my bumper already came off my car. Other than that, this is a worthwhile game to play, especially for those who love racing games and love customization even more.

Bayonetta: I first played this demo at the Sony store at the mall. Thinking there was more to the demo, I decided to download it for another run. The game play was as straight forward, yet innovative as I remembered. The introduction was even done with great innovation, with clear controls on the side for you to try out with "dummies" that spawns over and over again for you to try out different moves. The game environment reminded me a lot of that in Final Fantasy, with bosses that reminded me of those in God of War III in terms of both moves and size (which at many case is ginormous!). The main character however, is not the kind of sexy I would've preferred, and reminded me more of a librarian with gunstrapped legs more than anything. The witch hunter I faced, I thought would've been a much sexier main character with Princess Leia hair that was in the shade of really pale blonde, and a really rather sexy voice. The game play was good despite this criticism. My favorite part of the demo was challenging another witch hunter, and walking on the walls, ceiling... and... you start losing track of which way truly is "up." The demo made me wanting more, a came I would definitely consider buying.
The main character flying like a butterfly
The Sexy Librarian strapped with huge guns

Okay, so that was about my day, and of course, Call of Duty, but then again, its awesome-ness needs no explanation. More on my non-fashion centered days later!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The weekend continued

Since the last post was getting a bit long, I decided to split the day into two.
After the cafe lunch, we headed to eat some more. (If you haven't noticed already, we do eat quite alot! haha) We decided to try something new again! We went to Ruelo Patisserie at the Times Square Plaza for some french pastries. I've for the longest time wanted to try some macaroons. I was surprised with how good it tasted, although, baby did say it was a tad expensive for its size. What do you expect though, it is french. 

 Here is one of them, the Earl Grey flavored macaroon.

This is the Rose Lychee Raspberry flavored one, this one baby liked more because of its more fruity taste. He has such a sweet tooth.

 Here they are together, before we consumed them. You can see the size comparison between the pastries and the hand. I guess it was quite petite for around almost three dollars each.

We brought the pastries with us to the theatre next, the theatre where I called "The One That Looks Like A Spaceship," to watch the infamous "Clash of the Titans" It was surprisingly good, despite how we didn't watch it in 3-D. It was my idea, since I sort've gave up on the whole 3-D movie thing, considering how they don't have an awful lot of stuff flying out at you throughout the movie. Maybe I will reconsider when they further develop the three-dimensional thing.
So for dinner, yes, I am skipping right onto dinner, since we didn't really do much in between except for a car ride from the uppermost of town to almost downtown. Where we decided to go for dinner was Joey at Don Mills. The Don Mills Mall is still relatively new, and I have to admit, is rather refreshing because its a tad different from every other mall around the area. Shopping does get a bit redundant when every mall looks the same. So back to Joey, it was an absolutely long wait. We were estimated to have to wait an hour and fourty minutes for a table, and we were starved by that time. However, the atmosphere did keep me busy for a while, and besides, they had complimentary wine and appetizers which I appreciated a lot. They even had a selection between red and white wine. I normally don't drink wine, more of a kool-aid drinker, but I decided to go for a white wine they offered. It was called Fish Hoek, which apparently comes from South America. It was surprisingly good, however, not as good when paired with the spicy flat-bread they offered.

When we were actually seated (which was faster than they estimated, which was around an hour), and we decided we were starved and wanted to go for the quarter chicken and ribs. However, they were all sold out of the rotisserie chicken, so we had to go with just half a rack of ribs, or wait another half an hour for more chicken to be roasted. The ribs however were really good, and came off the bones well.

Here are pictures of us wasting time while we wait for our food.

Me being bored and decided to be the subject of baby's camera.

Baby deciding to be silly as well, he was probably starved and bored.

One of the pages in the liquor book. It was interesting.

We decided to use their suggestion, using their scope-o-matic. =)

It was a long day, but overall, a very satisfying day. Thinking back to it makes me smile.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The weekend

So finally the break has started, and I am already officially bored. I borrowed baby's PS3 so I wouldn't be so bored, so I played Little Big Planet and Call of Duty. Then I got motion sickness and quit. It's starting to become a looonnnggg day, then looonnnggg week. This is why I decided to backtrack, and reminisce back to the weekend.

Couldn't sleep much lately, since I have insomnia, so I decided to try to sleep in. Took a long hot shower, and then baby broke out the good news (sarcastic) to me, that I had a major spelling mistake on one of my blogs, so I rushed to go fix it.

After the blog ordeal we decided it was too much work already for a weekend's day, so  we decided to go grab brunch. For once, we went to a new place called Cafe Peninsula. 

For those who live in the GTA, it is located in one of the many corners of First Markham place. It is tucked away in its little corner beside the Firefly Restaurant. It is a great little place, I'm surprised I never noticed it before. The price was relatively inexpensive, but the food was awesome. I had Grouper Fried Fillet with Terriyaki Sauce on Rice, and baby had Cutlet Pork Chop with Egg on Rice. Together, we shared Fried Squid Balls. The food overall was amazing! I can't emphasize it enough! The food came in Taiwanese style metal containers.

The ceiling of the cafe. The interior was quite nice for a cafe to be honest.

More of the interior, the seating area.

The Coca-Cola stand that reminded me of the weekend at Niagara Falls.
Here's the comparison. =) (Sorry got a bit sidetracked)

Here's the meal that I had, the fish with the terryiaki sauce.

The pork chops that baby had, looked yummy.

Almost forgot! We got free dessert with the meal! We were pleased we got dessert, but disappointed that it didn't taste very good, or rather, the lack of taste. It was a crepe-like thing with some kind of jam.

Overall, the food was awesome, I would definitely recommend this place for those who would like to grab a meal but looking for something out of the ordinary.

Tomorrow I will continue the review of my weekend.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

End to the Year

I thought my work would've taken longer than it would. But since it didn't I would like to share the great news with all you out there, that I am officially done for this school year! By done, I mean digital design wise, but I still think its a start to the end.

So, since I'm officially done, I would like to share with you all three new additions to my portfolio. This project is based on three images, each of a different theme. We are given a certain predetermined phrase, and from that phrase, we are to create an image based on our interpretation.

1) Alternative Energy- Since the green movement, society has a larger concern over environmental matters, and our Fashion program always tries to do what we can to promote this. This theme was sort've expected, I think.

2) Abstract Expressionism- Another term that I expected, or something along the lines of art movements and such. Besides the brutal fashion history courses, we also focus on art history and their influences on different aspects of society, which explains this theme.

3) Nobel Savage- To be quite honest, I had to Wikipedia this. I'm still not sure whether there are more than one definition to this phrase, but with my image, I tried to portray the corruption of innocence by the "culturing" of society. How society tries to make its people noble, when in fact, it is merely the corruption of the natural innocence.

I would like to warn everyone however, because these are converted to jpeg images, the colouring is a bit off... yikes!