Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lack of Update

So I apologize first of all for the posts that acted as lame excuses for updates. I just didn't think there was much to update on as the completion of my website is happening at a crawling speed, or that at all. Um, this lack of inspiration is killing me and my ongoing projects. By this coming week, at least two more t-shirt designs should be done. Finally got the hang of transferring my designs onto the shirts. This was mastered at two in the morning, so hopefully I will remember how to do it, and not resort to my middle of the night madness to actually get something decent done. However, upon examining my sleep cycle... I seriously doubt I will be getting anything done at an hour suitable for human living. Yes, I have turned into a sleep max four hours and run kind of zombie.

Welcome to the land of the living dead anyone? Now we all know what I've been doing during my insomnia-tic phases. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Let's just say failure is definitely not an encouragement for sleep.

Words of the day: Epic Fail.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Something Growing at Eight Bit Zoo!

Exciting! So every Thursday, there will be a little bit of growing done at Eight Bit Zoo.. stay tuned and check back peeps!

Also new: a Facebook like button! We'll be launching Eight Bit Zoo's official Facebook page as well as a revamp of Twitter page!!

So many exclamation marks so little time...

Monday, August 8, 2011


I might have to create a company blog soon, even thought I most likely will keep this as my own personal blog. But for now, I am still here.

So things have been pretty crazy lately. That of course, is pretty much the biggest understatement of the year.

Paper People Clothing project is soon going to be wrapped up. I couldn't have asked for a better project to have taken on, since Jennifer has put my name out there in any instance possible! Without having to say, I am really really grateful for this since she didn't really have to. But if you would like to be part of the hype, she recently mentioned me in one of her interviews! (click) 

And being the overly-ambitious person that I am, another huge (yet totally exciting) thing has happened. Since I've decided a while back that the way to go for me would be freelance, I thought it was actually time to take action. Well, I didn't think it was but with a little push and shove from someone who in my mind I secretly regarded as my mentor, I am now going to take that scary step. Scary not because I don't totally crave it, but because I am obviously just starting out and far from being financially stable. Everything is costing so much more than I anticipated. Logging in my expenditures has definitely been scary!

So having said that, I now have a splash page to my website. I'll probably get a ton of questions as to why I named it what it is currently (unless you were one of the unfortunate fews who actually had me mumbling at you at every which hour!) As well, my business cards are printing and will soon be on the way! So hopefully there will be more to post on here soon. As well, there will be weekly surprises to my website until its final official launch! So you'll all just have to stay tuned. The goal here is to slowly unveil what my company is going to be like at a steady interval.

Enough of staring at the screen!

A little teaser for my site :)

Friday, August 5, 2011


I need coffee that does not taste like powder and leaves a bad aftertaste.
Thank you.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Those Cultural Things and Photoshop

Man, reading other people's blogs have been depressing lately. I mean everyone seems so intertwined with the things happening around them, and doing culturally acceptable things (aka not lounging around and doing nothing). 

A hobby I've been considering is painting. I've done tons of it ever since I was little since I was an art freak and all, but I guess I was just never freaky enough. It would sound so.. I don't know, just something, if I were to come on here one day and just say I was working on a painting. However, I think I've spent more time thinking about painting than actually painting. The whole thing just seems too messy. I rather shop. 

I've been so wrapped up with what technology can do, even cutting something seems too messy. In Photoshop, you can always just crop something, or Command+ Z something. The thought of even picking up a pair of scissors, and the possibility of cutting a jagged line sends shivers up and down my spine. What would I do then, if I were to cut something wrong? Where is that undo function? 

The use of Photoshop has been so engrained in my head that I would spend hours thinking of all the things I can do with it, if only it applied to real life. Not only would I have the undo function (plus the redo function if I change my mind again afterwards), but oh, the possibilities! Airbrushing my skin to perfection: never having to worry about that zit in the middle of your forehead. Or the setbacks of being an insomniac. What about that slightly crooked nose, or unaligned teeth? I'd liquify and warp it all away! And that hair colour that I want and never seem to stick? And those abs I've been eyeing on that fitness model? Just typing it out now is making me excited from all the possibilities! 

If only...