Friday, April 9, 2010

That kinda of day

It was that kind of day where everything just seems to go wrong. I thought it was going to be a good day since I got to sleep in late today. It was actually very relaxing, waking up, and thinking I actually had time for a decent shower and not have to rush.

Interesting points of the day would be:
-Eric's cousin actually looks as pretty as she does in pictures
-Never have I seen such an incapable guy, both in terms of technology, and humour
-Dogs can hump their stuffed "girlfriend" for the longest time ever
-Baby rats actually looks kute, especially when they are being cuddled by their dads

So that concludes my day for now.
Right now, I am watching Bridget Jones Diary. I still don't see why it's such a big deal. As a matter of fact, it was pretty boring to me, this is the second day of my attempt to finish the movie.

And for those of you that know me, it's not because I'm not very girly, not at all, although I would've liked playing Modern Warfare more than watching this movie... I just didn't think it was very good, particularly after I watched On The Other End of the Line. This chickflick in my opinion is so overrated. People out there, please explain to me why this movie is such a classic chickflick please.

On a side note, I was disappointed I didn't get to see the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Science Center. This calls for a sad emoticon: =( Especially since I found out it was not crowded like I thought it would be. What a bummer.

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