Monday, December 28, 2009

Some Hair for Thought

Due to my abundant amount of free time, I found some felt and made a wig for Pea. This was inspired by a fellow fashion student classmate who did a photoshoot using a felt wig. It turned out awesome! This led to inspiration and some experimenting on my own. There can be improvements, but hey, first time making it so pretty proud of myself! Here are so photos:

The front view

The side view
Pea playing in the Teddy Playhouse

The Teddy Playhouse is made by my brilliant sister whom I love so much -____-
and by the way, DID NOT force me to give her credit even though I just forgot. She is a brilliant arts and crafts person.

1 comment:

  1. i decided to post a comment on my own will..
    wow kool..the crown looks edible haha
