Thursday, April 28, 2011

Time Passes

So it's almost midnight again. Technically it's going to be a new day, but it never feels like it ends at that time. My day ends almost always around 2 a.m. (if I'm lucky) As an insomniac, this is always either the most peaceful time of the day or the most stressful, depending on whether I want to sleep that day I guess.

I spent hours trying to come up with a Twitter page for the lovely lady I am working for currently. And yes, I refer to my boss as the lovely lady as I think I am still in the honey moon phase of starting a new job. She is quite lovely and fun to work with, unlike the dread I feel everytime I know I have to go into my retail job the following day. Today was a relatively good day, as I finally got paid for my not so hard, but long-houred retail job. So I guess not I can feel a bit of the tension easing as I am now a few dollars less poor. Getting back to my Twitter page, I spent hours designing this layout, manipulating the photo I had to work with until it was almost unrecognizable (which was the entire point as I was given nothing else to work with). The whole idea could be scrapped by tomorrow, and the weird thing is, I don't think I really mind all that much!

Is this a good or a bad sign? Does it mean I didn't try enough or I just expect it to be rejected?

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