Monday, July 4, 2011

Pretty Cool View!

So I was just going through my rss feeds, and I just learned something new! Lately, I've been constantly stalking this blog called "start and don't stop", and I've learned that by adding "/view" at the end of any blogger address you'd get this choice of different navigation styles! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can view her lovely post here. So the curious being that I am decided to check it out and I actually have to say I sent as much as 20 minutes on there just looking at the different views! LOL!

I particularly like the "mosaic" view. I guess it wouldn't really work as well, or look that pretty if the blog doesn't have as much pictures. But being the narcissist that I am, obviously I was trying this out with my own blog! Haha, and I thought it looked pretty awesome.

Yea, it's chopped up in the middle and missing a piece, but who needs three screenshots when you can see it for yourself? (click)

1 comment:

  1. Your mosaic turned out so well! Mosaic looks relly terrible with my blog, because it's only text. Snapshot also doesn't work without pictures. Go figure!

    Excuse me now while I catch up on all the comments I have been neglecting to post on the rest of your fabulous blog posts. I read them all in GoogleReader and had to log on especially to comment because I was itching to respond!
