Friday, July 8, 2011


... or rather, not sleeping.

Someone help me. After around 2 hours of sleep (which is rounding up and not down), I am wide awake.

The lazy person in me wants me to lounge around in bed all day... while the other part... haha who am I kidding, there is no other part! But the worst thing about being awake and just lying there, is the painful awareness that parts of your body becomes numb after a certain period of time. This causes me to have to shift and change positions. This is a nuisance. And in my opinion, defeats the whole purpose of lounging around. If I have to move, it might as well be moving productively.

And that leads to why I am sitting in front of the computer before one in the afternoon for once.

Man life is hard... LOL

*** btw is it just me, or is there a new UI to this whole posting thing? I'm not complaining though! Looks wayyyy more sleek and doesn't look like I'm typing in a random textbox on Zuup :) LOVE!

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