Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Long Awaited Photos

I apologize for the time it took to upload these pictures from the meal. The holidays, despite how it hasn't officially started since I still have the History of Costume Exam to worry about, has driven me bonkers. I no longer can distinguish the day of the week, and sometimes not even the time of day. So here are the photos from the dinner:

Here is the dinner, starting at the top and going clockwise: Honey Garlic Chicken Wings, Mashed Potatoes made with Garlic Butter, Cream of Mushroom Cauliflower with Cheese, and Ribs. Oh, and the bottle is Alize's Passion Mango.

Here is how it looks like with the new phone app that baby got. Um, he can comment as to what the phone app is called and the lens used. LOL. Sorry for that.

Here I am presenting the bottle in all its glory. As well, the phone app is used with a different lens. I prefer this one, mostly because of the cooler overtone. I don't know, what do you think?

Same app used, different pose. Ready to get the drinkin' on!

The lens used is the same as the orange tinted photo on top. Looks like someone couldn't wait to get a drink and hogged the whole bottle.

Unfortunately for me, I have the genes that contributes to the "Asian Glow." This is how I looked like near the end of the meal.

1 comment:

  1. The app is called "Hipstamatic" and the lens used for the "cool" images was called "John S" and for the more "warm" images the lens used was called "Kaimal Mark II" Hope these pictures make you want to get the app for you iPhone :P.
